The Gene Keys Consult with Alexia Usgaard

90-Minute Consult for Business Leaders & Visionaries


You’re here because you know you’re meant for more—a deeper, more fulfilling way of living and leading.

But no matter how hard you work, something still feels misaligned. You’re ready to break through limiting patterns and step fully into your authentic power and purpose.

The truth is, your success isn’t just about doing more. It’s about aligning with who you truly are at the deepest level.

That’s where the Gene Keys come in—a transformative system that reveals the unique gifts, challenges, and potential encoded within your DNA.

And I’m here to help you unlock it.


What is the Gene Keys Consult?

The Gene Keys Consult is a 90-Minute Private Deep Dive into your unique Gene Keys profile, where we uncover the specific keys to your growth, fulfillment, and leadership potential.

This consultation isn’t just about insight—it’s about giving you actionable strategies to align your life, career, and relationships with your highest purpose.

Together, we’ll explore the key themes of your profile, focusing on the areas that can bring you the most profound shifts. You’ll leave with clarity, confidence, and a roadmap for your elevation.


What You’ll Experience in Your Personalized Gene Keys Consult:


1. Life’s Work Gene Key:

Imagine knowing exactly what you're here to contribute to the world!

We’ll start with your Life’s Work Gene Key, which reveals your external purpose—your public leadership gift and the role you're meant to play. This key provides clarity on how to align your work, leadership, and personal brand with your highest potential, ensuring you’re creating impact in the most authentic and powerful way.


2. Exploring Your Unique Shadows, Gifts, and Mastery:

In every Gene Key, there’s a shadow—a limiting pattern that holds you back. But that same key also holds your gift—your true power and potential. Together, we’ll identify the shadows keeping you stuck and shift them into the gifts that will elevate your leadership and influence. We’ll also touch on your siddhi—the highest expression of your Gene Key.


3. Elevated Self Archetype:

One of the most powerful tools I offer is your Elevated Self Archetype based on your Life’s Work Gene Key. This archetype brings the energy of your Gene Key to life, helping you embody the gifts of your key in practical, tangible ways every day.


4. Practical Action Plan:

You’ll receive a clear, actionable plan to integrate the wisdom of your Gene Keys into your daily life. Whether it’s shifting a specific mindset, making key decisions in your business, or aligning your leadership with your purpose, you’ll have the support to take immediate, aligned action.

WHY this matters...

The Gene Keys aren’t just another tool—they are your personal success formula, mapped out within your DNA.

This consult will help you:

  • Release Limiting Patterns: Uncover and shift the shadows that keep you from fully owning your power
  • Unlock Your Unique Gifts: Step into your leadership, influence, and contribution with clarity and confidence
  • Create More Alignment: Align your work, relationships, and personal growth with your highest purpose
  • Amplify Your Impact: Elevate how you show up in the world and lead from a place of abundance, ease, and mastery

This is for you if:

  • You’re a high-performing leader or entrepreneur who’s ready to elevate your life and business
  •  You’ve hit a plateau in your success and feel like something deeper is calling you
  •  You’re seeking clarity and alignment in your purpose and how to show up authentically in your work
  • You want practical, personalized guidance on how to leverage your unique gifts for greater impact

How to Book Your Session:

I only open a few spots each month for these exclusive consults to ensure each client receives high-touch, personalized support.

Ready to unlock your Gene Keys and elevate your life?